Monday, January 31, 2011

3 Easy Steps to Work on Your Thighs

Your thigh is an important part when you talk of well-defined legs. Perhaps you spotted a new skinny jeans and you wanted to buy it but you just feel dismayed knowing that your thighs would not fit into those jeans, or better else, those jeans would not fit your thighs. If you want to look fabulous with your jeans, perhaps you should start trimming those thigh muscles and give them definition so you can wear your jeans with confidence.

Your thigh muscles consist of muscles which include the adductor longus, the abductor brevis, the gracilis muscles, and the sartorius. The thigh muscles are so important for locomotion since these muscles facilitates the movements of the hips, the extensions, as well as the abductions. Here are 3 easy steps to work on your thighs.

1. Walking on an incline - First and basic of all is walking on an incline. To perform the routine, you simply walk at different rates --you can go fast, moderate or slow but for sure, just by practical walking exercise you get to burn fats and develop your thigh as well as butt muscles. The routine can be performed by walking on a hill or by walking on a treadmill for roughly fifteen (15) to twenty (2) minutes. Make sure that the incline is at least ten (10) to fifteen (15) degrees. If you want to add more challenge to the routine, just take out some weights and carry it with you while you do the routine.

2. The leg extensions - The routine is usually done with the use of an extension machine or weight bench to which a leg extension is attached. You first position yourself in a sitting position on the machine, lay back flat against the machine's seat, and hook your shins behind the lifting pad. Start to lift the weights upward with the power of your thigh as you press against the pad until your legs are in a straight position but not in a locked position. Then from that position, hold it there for seconds and then start lowering it again to the start position.

3. The squats - The squats can be performed in various ways, it can be done with the use of a barbell, or you can do it with a dumbbell or a squat machine perhaps. The start position should be that you are in a standing position with the barbell in a resting position at the back of the head on your shoulders. Keep your back straight as you slowly bend your knees at 90-degree angle with the floor. Upon reaching the 90-degree angle, hold it there for seconds and then power back to the start position. To avoid injuries, do not try to dip too low or forget to unlock the legs at the top of the lift. The level of difficulty can be changed by simply changing the length just in between your feet.

You may opt to use the three routines by starting to walk on an incline or you can walk on an incline and one of the other routines mentioned.

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